Speaker: Steve Lee
The soul cannot survive without hope and God's desire is that we anchor our ultimate hope in Him, who will one day make all things new.
Testimony: Michelle Ly
Our sister Michelle Ly shared her testimony at our Easter Sunday service. If you would like to listen to it please click play below.
Speaker: Steve Lee
Are you investing your life in things that will last? Your work for the kingdom and your maturity in Christ on this earth will not be in vain but will echo for eternity.
Speaker: Steve Lee
The ultimate hope of the believer is to experience resurrection. Once we receive our new resurrection bodies, we are going to live in those bodies with God for eternity in a new physical earth. Until then, God invites us to experience a foretaste of his nearness and power in our present lives.
Speaker: Steve Lee
Our view of the afterlife will have a profound impact on how we live our lives in the present, but the choices we make in this life will have an impact for all of eternity.