Kimberly Cho
Children's Ministry Director
At the age of 9, Kim first heard the gospel presented in an understandable way at a nearby neighborhood church. It was through the children’s ministry of a local church that she was taught the gospel and came to faith. Her personal testimony has given her a strong conviction of the importance of ministering to children of all ages.
As children’s ministry director of ICC since 2015, she is passionate about developing a ministry that not only teaches the gospel but demonstrates it by meeting children exactly where they are. This includes holding to a philosophy of ministry and using a curriculum that refrains from preaching moralism or pushing behavior modification. Her hope is that when the children are old enough to truly understand what it means to make a faith decision for Christ, it will be a completely natural desire for them because of the beauty of the gospel they have already heard and seen. Kim completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign with a Bachelors in Speech and Hearing Science and has previously worked as a Speech-Language Therapist for children with special needs. She is married to Peter Cho (ICC's executive pastor) and has three (nearly grown children) and enjoys the outdoors, and spending time with family and friends. Most of all, she treasures the simple joys of living life with Jesus and sharing His love with others. |