Carol Lee
Administrative Assistant
Carol’s first time visiting Immanuel Community was the church’s very first service in January 2007. She and her husband, Dave, were present with their first child, an infant at the time. A few months later, as Dave began playing drums in the worship band, Carol started helping with the children’s ministry and eventually took on the first staff position for Children's Church Coordinator.
Ten-plus years and three more kids later, Carol is now working for the church as Administrative Assistant. In handling her general work tasks, she finds “nerdy” satisfaction in making lists and checking things off; in doing financial tasks, Carol “loves when things zero out.” Yet truly her biggest love for the job is getting to see up close the pastoral care behind the scenes. “It’s exciting to be a part of it and witness how much they pray and show love through the details and processes,” she said. She also enjoys the event planning duties of her work, especially the food and fellowship elements—in which she had always been involved through the food team at church. She says feeding people is a great way to build bonds. And that’s exactly Carol’s intention: “I want to help bring community to the place where I found community and a church home.” Carol and Dave's four children are Elyse, Natalie, Jacob, and Noah. When she's not busy with family or church responsibilities, Carol might try to tackle a sewing project, or craft paper greeting cards, or practice hand lettering. |