Speaker: Lester CruzatChrist reconciling power through his death and resurrection transforms our negative view of conflicts into redemptive opportunities. Click below for sermon slides
Speaker: Jeff AbieraGod has created light to be one of the most valuable parts of his creation and also a huge part of his character. We are the light because He is light, embracing our call to love others as God loved us. Click below for sermon slides
Speaker: Jon NotoClick below for sermon slides
Discussion Questions:
1. People often think their prayer life is insufficient or inadequate. Have you ever wrestled with these thoughts? What's helped you grow most in your practice of prayer? 2. Recall the four aspects of intimacy in a relationship. In your relationship with God, what aspect are you being called to grow in?
3. Several qualities were proposed as beneficial in our prayer posture toward God. Which ones are more natural for you? Which are harder?
Speaker: Lester CruzatEven the deepest of griefs encountered from losing someone you love cannot stop the heart of God from ministering to you. Click below for sermon slides
Discussion Questions:
1. When have you experienced deep grief in your life or grief in others? Describe what that experience has been like or was like for you. 2. What is your understanding of deep grief? What are some misinterpretations or misunderstandings we can have about grief? 3. How have you seen grief handled well? How have you witnessed grief handled wrongly? 4. What are the implications of having a correct Biblical view towards death? 5. The 4 parts of lament are address ("Oh God"), complaint ("This hurts so much"), request ("Please take the pain away"), and trust ("Not my will, but yours). When it comes to grief and lament, how does one come to finally trust in God and His promises? 6. How does the cross of Christ inform our pain and suffering? Speaker: Steve LeeClick below for sermon slides
Discussion Questions: