2020 Summer Programs (Groups)
Our regular community groups are taking a break for the summer but that doesn't mean you have to stop growing and connecting! This summer we are introducing a number of topically-based small groups for the summer season and we're excited to see how God uses them to grow you in Christ and in community! The groups will meet every other week at a time TBD on Zoom for a large group session. On the off-weeks smaller groups (of 3-4) will meet to share, interact with the material/content and pray.
We are intentionally encouraging smaller groups (triads) than usual so that each group has more opportunity for connection and intimacy, and with COVID-19 restrictions, this would also allow people to meet more safely in person if the group is comfortable with this -- either outdoors or indoors. This is a great opportunity to study a topic that interests you, connect with people outside your regular community group (or a smaller group within), or even try out a group for the first time. We are encouraging everyone to participate!
PLEASE REGISTER BY CLICKING BLACK BUTTON FOR RESPECTIVE GROUPS BELOW BY NO LATER SUNDAY, JULY 5th. Feel free to contact the respective group leader if you have any questions.
Leaders will be using the Church Center App to communicate with groups and send important updates. After registering please go to your Church Center app and click on GROUPS (lower icon) and "JOIN" the group you signed up for. For instructions on how to download the Church Center app as well as JOIN the program you registered for download the PDF file below. Please note that we are also offering a number of groups for the children of our church as well. To find out more click HERE.
We are intentionally encouraging smaller groups (triads) than usual so that each group has more opportunity for connection and intimacy, and with COVID-19 restrictions, this would also allow people to meet more safely in person if the group is comfortable with this -- either outdoors or indoors. This is a great opportunity to study a topic that interests you, connect with people outside your regular community group (or a smaller group within), or even try out a group for the first time. We are encouraging everyone to participate!
PLEASE REGISTER BY CLICKING BLACK BUTTON FOR RESPECTIVE GROUPS BELOW BY NO LATER SUNDAY, JULY 5th. Feel free to contact the respective group leader if you have any questions.
Leaders will be using the Church Center App to communicate with groups and send important updates. After registering please go to your Church Center app and click on GROUPS (lower icon) and "JOIN" the group you signed up for. For instructions on how to download the Church Center app as well as JOIN the program you registered for download the PDF file below. Please note that we are also offering a number of groups for the children of our church as well. To find out more click HERE.
church_center_-_directions_w_summer_programs.pdf |
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Leader: Pastor Lester Cruzat Time: TBD Location: Zoom Large Groups/Small Groups TBD As we encounter these new times of social unrest and cries for justice and racial equality in our world today, our ability to engage, love, and live out the gospel relevantly involves engaging the reality of ethnicity. It was God’s intention to release us for his kingdom mission, not in spite of our ethnicities, but within our ethnic identities. In this seminar we will be interacting with the book “Beyond Colorblind: Redeeming Our Ethnic Journey” written by Sarah Shin. We will be learning, re-discovering, and growing deeper in our own ethnic stories and inviting Jesus to amplify the beauty and excavate the brokenness of it all so that we can better love ourselves and others, and in turn, be enabled to proclaim the kingdom of God in new and exciting ways. We will also learn practically how we can share our stories and steward our ethnic identities in multiracial and multiethnic spaces. Jesus is in the business of redeeming and restoring our ethnic identities and using all of who we are to be the vehicles of mission to a broken and chaotic world. FORMAT Beginning the week of July 5th (and through September), the group will meet for one hour every other week in a larger group setting over Zoom where Pastor Lester will provide a discussion and summary on the chapter that is being studied, review the prior chapter, allow people to share their experiences and learnings, and highlight the chapter ahead. On the off weeks, the group will be expected to read, reflect, and apply the chapter for that week and gather (in person or virtually) in smaller groups of three to share and pray. We will also ask members to journal regularly to process what you are learning and how you may be responding and applying each lesson. TOPICS: 1. Exploring the topic of “color-blindness" 2. Biblical theology on race and ethnicity 3. Increasing awareness and engagement with your own ethnic idenitity. 4. The brokenness of ethnicity 5. The beauty and restoration of ethnicity 6. What it means to be sent out as redeemed ethnic identities 7. Building trust with ethnic strangers 8. Cross-cultural skills in community 9. Responding to cross-cultural conflict in community 10. Ethnic justice 11. Cultural re-creation REGISTRATION To sign up please click button below and complete the form by no later than July 5th. You are encouraged to form your own triad (individual or as couples). If you are unable to form one we can assign you to one. Each small group (triad) will be expected to determine the best meeting time and location on their own. IF JOINING THIS STUDY PLEASE PURCHASE BOOK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (CLICK IMAGE FOR AMAZON LINK). |
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by Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish Leader: Pastor Peter Cho Time: TBD Location: Zoom Large Groups/Small Groups TBD Do you ever struggle to communicate with your children in a way that you both feel understood, loved and heard? For the past couple years Pastor Steve has been leading seminars on grace-based parenting with a specific focus more recently on emotions-based coaching. Building on these lessons, Pastor Peter will be leading a group through the book "How to Talk so Kids will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk" which will provide an opportunity to practice and apply many of the concepts learned in a biblical and transformative way. Through emotionally-healthy communication we believe parents can build emotionally-healthy connections with their children regardless of age and life stage. An adjunct summer group (for children) that you might want to also consider for you children is "Understanding My Emotions" (click for more info) led by Kimberly Cho. This will give your children a meaningful opportunity to explore different emotions with your coaching. FORMAT Beginning the week of July 5th (and through September), the group will meet for one hour every other week in a larger group setting over Zoom where Pastor Peter will provide the biblical framework, review the prior chapter, allow people to share their experiences and learnings, and highlight the chapter ahead. On the off weeks, the group will be expected to read and apply the chapter for that week and gather (in person or virtually) in smaller groups of three to share and pray. We will also ask members to journal regularly to process what you are learning and how your children may be responding to each lesson. We are intentionally taking this slow to give the necessary time needed to apply and build healthy habits. The book will address: TOPICS 1. Helping Children Deal with their Feelings 2. Engaging Cooperation 3. Alternatives to Punishment 4. Encouraging Autonomy 5. Praise 6. Freeing Children From Playing Roles 7. Putting it All Together We will also address topics such as sibling rivalry and how the content translates to pre-teens and teenagers. REGISTRATION To sign up please click button below and complete the form by no later than July 5th. You are encouraged to form your own triad (individual or as couples). If you are unable to form one we can assign you to one. Each small group (triad) will be expected to determine the best meeting time and location on their own. IF JOINING THIS STUDY PLEASE PURCHASE BOOK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (CLICK IMAGE FOR AMAZON LINK). |
Leader: Pastor Steve Lee Time: TBD Location: Zoom Large Groups/Small Groups TBD St. Augustine said, “The Holy Scriptures are our letters from home.” Through the Bible, we learn who we are, who God is, and the story he is writing in our lives. Through the Understanding the Bible seminar you will learn how to study the Bible for yourself. The first half of the seminar will explore the core skills needed to determine the meaning of a Bible text and how it applies to our lives. The second half will explore the unique approach to each literary type/genre found in the Bible (narratives, epistles, prophecies, Old Testament law, etc.). FORMAT Each week Pastor Steve will cover a new topic during an hour-long Zoom gathering. Participants will meet later in the same week in triads to practice the principles taught in the seminar by studying Bible passages together. Participants are welcome to form their own triads or can sign up individually and will be assigned to a triad. Another option is to sign up with your child (5th grade or older) and do the homework together rather than with a triad. Parent-child participants have the option of joining with another parent-child pair to do the homework together. SEMINARS 1. Introduction 2. What Does the Text Mean? (Part 1) 3. What Does the Text Mean? (Part 2) 4. Application 5. Building Your Library 6. Literary Types 1: Narratives 7. Literary Types 2: Gospels & Epistles 8. Literary Types 3: The Law 9. Literary Types 4: Poetry & Prophets 10. Literary Types 5: Wisdom REGISTRATION To sign up please click button below and complete the form by no later than July 5th. You are encouraged to form your own triad or participate with your child (5th grade and above). If you are unable to form one we can assign you to one. Each small group (triad) will be expected to determine the best meeting time and location on their own. |
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Leader: Pastor Chris Kim. Time: TBD Location: Zoom Large Groups/Small Groups TBD The debate over women’s roles in evangelical churches has reached a sort of stalemate with both sides claiming Scriptural support of their respective views. Traditionally, people who dare step into the conversation are asked to pick a side—complementarian or egalitarian. Michelle Lee-Barnewall, professor of biblical and theological studies at Talbot School of Theology at Biola University offers a refreshing take on the debate, suggesting ultimately that perhaps the conversation has taken a wrong turn somewhere along the way. While most focus on the issues of authority, rights, privileges, and leadership, Lee-Barnewall suggests that the themes of unity, inclusion, service, and love should be kept front and center. In this study, we will NOT attempt to settle the debate. The goal, rather, is to engage in healthy discussion despite disagreements and to explore a reframing of the traditional debate. FORMAT Beginning the week of July 5th (and through August), the group will meet for a one-hour Zoom session each week. The Zoom sessions will be about half teaching and half sharing insights gained and reflections on the previous week’s teaching, reading, and small group discussions. Because one of the main hopes of this study is to engage in conversation with people whose views may differ from our own, we will do our best to form small groups that are conducive to that sort of discussion. Each small group will be responsible for meeting once a week either virtually or in person for a discussion of the previous week’s lesson and the reading for the week. TOPICS · Session 1: My Story, Our Stories · Session 2: The argument for complementarianism · Session 3: The argument for egalitarianism · Session 4: The History of Gender in America and the Church · Session 5: Kingdom Themes: Unity and Inclusion · Session 6: Reframing the Debate: Women in Ministry · Session 7: Reframing the Debate: Gender Roles in Marriage · Session 8: Debrief & Celebration REGISTRATION To sign up please click button below and complete the form by no later than July 5th. You are encouraged to form your own triad (individual or as couples). If you are unable to form one we can assign you to one. Each small group (triad) will be expected to determine the best meeting time and location on their own. IF JOINING THIS STUDY PLEASE PURCHASE BOOK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (CLICK IMAGE FOR AMAZON LINK). |