Sunday Services
When and where do you meet?
We have temporarily suspended all church related in-person gatherings due to COVID-19 (coronavirus). However, our Sunday services are typically held at 300 Schoenbeck Road, Wheeling, IL 60090. The service begins at 11:15am and typically finishes at 12:45pm. There is fellowship time with refreshments that follows immediately after the service. For more information on our location and parking please visit this page here.
What should I wear?
When you come to our service, you will find people dressed anywhere from jeans and t-shirts to business casual attire. Feel free to wear whatever makes you feel comfortable.
What about my children?
We have a Children’s Ministry program for children who are older than 18 months. You can drop off and register your children at the Welcome Kiosk just inside the main entrance of the church. We also have designated seats at the back of the sanctuary for families with infants, as well as a cry room/nursery behind the sanctuary for children less than 18 months old. Of course, you can also feel free to have your children stay with you in the adult service, if they are not comfortable being separated from you when you first visit ICC. For more information on our Children's Ministry, click here and more information on our youth ministry "Catalyst" click here.
How can I learn more about ICC?
If you are visiting us for the first time, be sure to text "iccnew" to 95577 to learn more about ICC. Please complete the online form from your phone and we will be sure to follow up with you. We would love to meet and talk with you!
We also host a Welcoming Lunch every few months after service. These lunches are held at a nearby church member’s house, and will give you an opportunity to enjoy a good meal, meet some of ICC’s leaders, find out more about our church and get answers to any questions that you may have about our church or ministries.
We also host a Welcoming Lunch every few months after service. These lunches are held at a nearby church member’s house, and will give you an opportunity to enjoy a good meal, meet some of ICC’s leaders, find out more about our church and get answers to any questions that you may have about our church or ministries.