Our churchwide summer retreat will be held from Friday (7pm) June 21st, until Sunday (1pm) June 23rd. Please join us for a memorable weekend of retreat and rest as well as learning and community-building in beautiful Cedar Lake, Indiana (35 miles SE of downtown Chicago). See below for more information about the theme, schedule, accommodation, and pictures of the retreat site and CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW TO REGISTER. Please do not let cost be an issue in taking part. Contact Pastor Peter at peter(at)immanuelcommunity.org if we can help with financial assistance. REGISTRATION CLOSES ON JUNE 2ND. SIGN UP TODAY!
Retreat Speaker & Theme
Pastor Dave Lee has been at Harvest Community Church since its founding in 1995 and serves as the Lead Pastor. He feels called to proclaim God’s word, raise up leaders, model community, and help people find hope through the power of the gospel applied to their lives. He is married to Jeannie and they have four children: Noah, Jordan, Elijah, and Zoe. Dave loves meeting new people, exploring new places, and having new experiences. He is a graduate of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Biblical Theological Seminary, and the Arrow Leadership Program. Pastor Dave will be speaking on the theme of discovering life-giving community in the church.
Worship Leader
Reggie Ramos, ICC's founding pastor who now serves as the Associate Pastor of Worship and Communications at Wellspring Alliance Church in Wheaton will be leading worship at the retreat. Reggie joined the Wellspring staff in January of 2016. Having served as a worship leader for over 20 years and in pastoral leadership for over 15 years, he has a passion to serve the local church as a shepherd through music ministry and is deeply committed to helping others grow in the knowledge of God, experience His love, and respond to Him in authentic worship. He studied math at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and studied theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is married to Anissa, and they have 4 children: Isaiah, Lydia, Nathan, & Melody.
Accommodations & Amenities
Registration cost includes breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and breakfast and lunch on Sunday. Please note Friday dinner will not be provided and so attendees are encouraged to either eat or bring dinner on their way in. The kitchen can also prepare allergy-free meals if notified beforehand so please indicate clearly any allergies (and for whom) when registering. Accommodations include rooms (to bed between 4-6) with full private bathrooms. Nestled in a peaceful lakeside setting amenities include a tennis, basketball and gaga ball court as well as a softball field and playground. A game room is also on site equipped with table-tennis, pool, carpetball and fooseball tables. There is also the option to sign-up for archery, rock-climbing, kayaking/canoeing and laser tag (additional charge $10/person). More information about the retreat site and amenities can be found at: http://www.cedarlakeministries.org/