To watch a livestream of our Good Friday Service click HERE at 7:30pm on Friday, April 2nd.
Order of Worship
April 2, 2021
Movement #1 - God, the Holy Creator
Reading - Isaiah 6:1-5
Song for Meditation - Holy, Holy, Holy
Reflection - Pastor Lester Cruzat
Movement #2 - Mankind, gone our own way in sin
Reading - Eph. 2:1-3 (ICC)
Song for mediation - Lord, I Need You
Reflection - John Fulwyler
Movement #3 - Jesus, the Savior
Reading - Romans 3:21-26 (OSEFC)
Song for meditation - The Old Rugged Cross
Reflection - Pastor Steve Lee
Movement #4 - Response-We Live By Faith
Reading - 1 John 5:1-5
Song for meditation - The Wonderful Cross
Reflection - Pastor Adam Fix
Closing Worship
Jesus Paid It All
I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous)
Movement #1 - God, the Holy Creator
Reading - Isaiah 6:1-5
Song for Meditation - Holy, Holy, Holy
Reflection - Pastor Lester Cruzat
Movement #2 - Mankind, gone our own way in sin
Reading - Eph. 2:1-3 (ICC)
Song for mediation - Lord, I Need You
Reflection - John Fulwyler
Movement #3 - Jesus, the Savior
Reading - Romans 3:21-26 (OSEFC)
Song for meditation - The Old Rugged Cross
Reflection - Pastor Steve Lee
Movement #4 - Response-We Live By Faith
Reading - 1 John 5:1-5
Song for meditation - The Wonderful Cross
Reflection - Pastor Adam Fix
Closing Worship
Jesus Paid It All
I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous)
Safety Protocols
- Maintain 6ft/10ft Distance during service and fellowship after service.
- No Handshaking, hugs, or high fives
- Closed areas (basement, gym, library)
- Foyer bathrooms open; please keep lights and doors open after use
- Always accompany your children even going to the bathroom
- Changing table available
- Contact tracing info:
- for info and covid-19 testing clinics
- Have infected OR symptomatic person contact Pastor Lester @ 217-721-4445.
- Communication will go out to those who attended.
- Recommend congregants to be tested for Covid-19.
Children and Communion
It is ICC’s policy to leave it to your discretion as to whether or not your children should participate in Communion. If you believe that your child has genuine faith in Jesus, you are welcomed to have him/her participate in the Communion. We will leave a Communion set at the assigned seat of all children who have registered to stay in the sanctuary for the adult worship, but it is your decision whether or not they should take part in it. Please talk with a pastor if you have any questions regarding this policy.
Contact Us
You can reach us at (224) 698-7365 with any questions or by emailing our administrative assistant at [email protected].
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